How Can I help?

  • Dream it.

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you have a valuable skill or a creative mind and you want to help with the behind-the-scenes part of Let’s Grow Crazy. People from all walks of life with all different skillsets make up our team. Please contact us if you have an idea or would like to see about joining us!

  • Build it.

    Come grow, learn, laugh and build a community with us. We always need growers, muscle and tools at our monthly work days, and a team of Garden Givers to help run booths at our events.

  • Grow it.

    From day to day gardening supplies to buildings and water lines, every project needs monetary backing. Consider donating to the cause to help us reach our potential and become a landmark in our community. Have a mower or shovel you don’t need? We welcome those too!